
SharePoint Intranet Project

Areas of Design
UX/UI Design

Upgrade and consolidate our client's legacy, and design a global Intranet to achieve a more modern, cohesive, and multi-lingual solution that can create an engaging employee digital experience


During my time at Avanade, I was the main visual designer working on a client project from one of the largest mining and energy firms in Canada. I contributed to the release of the client's intranet using custom SharePoint through mobile/ website design, component library, design workshops and user testings.

This case study explains my work around new component library.

Project Brief

We want to upgrade and consolidate our client's legacy, and design a global Intranet to achieve a more modern, cohesive, and multi-lingual solution that can create an engaging employee digital experience.

SharePoint Design System

I created a Component Library containing all design components, which acted as a single source of truth for client and our development team. This includes visual and functional specifications for all the custom/configured components that will be developed, including Information Architecture design decisions (Site map, navigation, header, and footer descriptions), targeting and personalization features, and the localization approach.


Design Thinking Workshops

I helped plan and conduct UX and Design workshops with client's stakeholders to define the IA, branding, layout and functionality, and produce a product backlog to be consumed during build.

Featured Methodologies: Hopes & Fears, Pain Point Identification, Co-Design, etc.


Tree Testing

Initially, the clients came to us with many features and departments within their website, which made their employees confused or even neglected when they navigate the site. They often get lost when they look for information, so the only option for them was to search for items specifically. Me and our design lead organized and categorized these features together. Then, I helped conduct tree testing directly with our clients to gain insights about the information architecture system as we made revisions. This testing keeps track of how users navigate within the site to get the right destination.



  • Although we categorized and grouped some existing features, participants understood the concept and were able to identify what sat within the section accurately. However, certain categories were not as explicit, which had lower success rate.
  • Participants were able to find most of the global content well, but struggled to find location specific

Final Solutions



Early stage team collaboration and clear communication is a vital key to minimize final design revisions. Time is your greatest ally, an early project roadmap and well-defined high-level goals will help the team move faster and fail faster.

Although our approach to conducting user research was well organized, I found that more time would have yielded better results. Additional usability and A/B testing would have solidified our design decisions. Overall the stakeholders were happy with our designs and moved forward with development.