Community Inclusion Spaces (BACI)

Community Inclusion Spaces (BACI)

Areas of Design
Service DesignUser Research
Spatial DesignProduct DesignFigma

Service design process that involve people with disabilities in the community more actively


There aren’t many opportunities for pod leaders* to socialize and build connections in the community, the context of most of their activities (outdoors on walks, at malls, staying in BACI spaces) don’t help in facilitating building new relationships with the community.

Because of the lack of opportunities for pod leaders leads to the difficulties people have with misunderstandings or hesitancy to interact with people with disabilities


How can we create a process that breaks down social barriers to involve pod leaders in the community more actively?

pod leaders are supported individuals in a pod. Each pod has 3-4 pod leaders



Our first concept is called Market & Mingle. An open market fair hosted by BACI selling our Pod prints that is designed by pod leaders, inviting local shops and the general community.


Our second concept is called Pod prints. The premise is to make pod leader’s arts and crafts activities in the BACI spaces more meaningful and directed in creating something they can use to connect with others at a local fair Market & Mingle. The pod prints are an opportunity for pod leaders to create something to represent themselves and have a starting point to spark conversation and connections with locals.


What is Community Inclusion Spaces

Community Inclusion supports adults in pods* to access and participate in a range of events and activities within their local communities.


What pod leaders do at BACI spaces?

Pod leaders often have arts and crafts activities. BACI has a studio dedicated for pods to improve their creativity, called AHA Studio.


Research & Insights

What is Burnaby Association for Community Inclusion (BACI)?

An organization of more than 400 employees. They offer services ranging from housing help to child care programs that help people for all ages with developmental disabilities

Repeated activities and limit it within BACI

When pod leaders are in the BACI spaces, its mainly to just hang out or used as a pseudo computer labs. They usually aren’t engaging in activities or developing any skills.

On the flip side when they’re operating as a group outdoors, more often than not, pod leaders aren’t getting much interaction with locals or creating new relationships.

Driven from research insights, we decided to focus on pod leaders and their facilitators as our target audience.

The activities organized by the pods do not include any elements that promote interaction with the surrounding community.
There wasn’t a lot of programs or ways for the community to support pods
Community events are great to go to but hard to find and tend to be exclusive.

Aren’t getting much inclusion within the community

“I don’t want to limit activities within the CI Spaces. Where can I find activities in the surrounding community?”

We have spoken to Cassidy and Asher, pod facilitators, to discuss about their experience and opinion when facilitating activities and navigating the pods to interact with surrounding community.

BACI partnered with local non-profit groups helping supported individuals, such as Curiko, Options Community Services, etc.
Before COVID-19, BACI often hosts community events, like movie nights, etc.

Guiding principles

Alongside our design focus, we had a couple key things we wanted to keep in mind for our concept

Providing a reason for pod leaders to stay engaged and invested
Provide clarity on the representation of people with disabilities in the community
Facilitate in person interactions between pod leaders and locals

Value proposition

Pod Leaders

Opportunity to show skills and have people understand him through a new lens

Pod Facilitator

Reaching out to the community for the fair help establish connections and partnerships that can evolve

Local Community

Get connected with and support other people in the community and learn about BACI and the pods


BACI staff and the pod facilitators are satisfied with our proposed solutions and decided to implement it as a template so pod facilitators can execute this. One of the facilitator think that this concept can establish connection between the community and BACI pod leaders through these events that will help the success of any future BACI events open to the public. And it will help draw interest from people regarding the ci spaces where the art is being made We are looking forward to see further impact of our Pod prints!